
The code of conduct and constitution can be found here.

If you would like to join the Group, please complete our membership form below and send your payment as indicated

A one year membership operates from 1st April to 31st March irrespective of the date your membership application is submitted.

Membership to the FSPG comes with many benefits, a full list of which can be found in the Members Handbook

If you have any membership related concerns or queries, please email the Membership Secretary at

Group Safety Advice

The Executive Committee is available to assist or advise event organisers or individual members on specific or general matters of safety and RAMS.

Supplier Discounts

We work with a range of suppliers relevant to our hobby to provide members with discounts on products and services; from paint and oil to vintage spares!


Advice is available on the acquisition or manufacture of spare parts via the members only Facebook page or by contacting the Executive Committee.


Most items of uniform, within the limits of the Code of Practice (found in the Members Handbook), are available at the major rallies, online, and at memorabilia sales.

Equipment Supplies

Most items of equipment can be found for sale at Rallies or memorabilia sales and members are encouraged to buy, sell or exchange items of equipment between each other via the Group’s Newsletter or Facebook page.

Public liability Insurance

Covering the operation of firefighting equipment for demonstration purposes, including the use of live fire, pyrotechnics and smoke effects for rallies and events. FSPG insurance does not replace the need for third party road risk insurance.


Members who wish to participate in displays at Group shows must be competent in the use of their equipment. Further information about this can be found in the members handbook.


We have representation in the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs, The Dennis Society and The Fire Heritage Network. A great, friendly bunch of people, ready to share their individual passion for our hobby.

Group Newsletter

The Group’s newsletter is published regularly to keep members informed on various matters within the Group and details of forthcoming events, and members are encouraged to contribute to the publication by way of articles, letters to the Editor, opinions, or advice and queries on technical subjects. Non-Commercial advertisements are accepted from members for the ‘For Sale’ and ‘Wanted’ sections free of charge, a nominal fee being made in respect of any form of commercial insertions. Items for inclusion in the publication should be forwarded in writing only to the Editor preferably by e-mail. Currently, we are still hunting for an Editor, so in the interim, items for inclusion in the newsletter can be emailed to

Group Library

There is a growing library of books and manuals to which reference can be made. Material is not normally loaned out, but copies can often be provided at a small charge. Further literature is always sought; a guide to the present holding can be found in the Member’s Handbook. To request access to the library, please email the Executive committee at

2024/25 Subscription Rate (1st April-31st March)
Single Member £30
Family Membership £35
Junior £15
You may also include a voluntary donation to the
FSPG if you so wish

Payment accepted via BACS transfer:
Account Name: FSPG
Sort Code: 60-23-36
Acc No 82679800

Primary Member Information

Is this a New Membership application? *
Is this a renewal of the previous year’s membership? *
Membership Type
Membership Type

Subsidiary Member Information

Each subsidiary member must live at the same address as the primary member.

Motor Appliances

Manuals, Steamers, Trailer Pumps, etc.

Collections, Models, etc.

Are you willing for ALL of your contact details to be published in the Members Directory, which may be issued to ALL members? *
Are you willing to receive our monthly newsletter Back On The Run by email or by post? Please note emails reach Members before posted copies. *